QTP Certification Help

QTP Certification Dump - Sample Questions 1-50

1. When you modify the name of an object in the local object repository, the name is automatically updated in ....... for all occurrences of the object..
A) in the Keyword View
B) in the Expert View
C) Both Keyword and Expert View
D) Changing name of an object doest not effect keyword or expert view
Ans: C

2. Can we add external library files in QTP?
A. No
B. Yes
Ans: B

3. How many tabs are there in Test Settings (File->Settings) window
A) 5
B) 6
C) 7
D) 8
Ans: C

4. What can you use to handle unpredictable testing exceptions?
A. A Do Loop
B. Recovery Scenario
C. IFHEN statement
D. Selectase statement
Ans: B

5. What is the shortcut key to open a Step Generator.
A) F2
B) F5
C) F6
D) F7
Ans: D

6. You can also encrypt strings in Data Table cells using the ......... option in the Data Table menu.
A) Decrypt
B) Encrypt
C) Encrypt Code
D) Decrypt Code
Ans: B

7. When you create a test, it includes ..... action.
A) Single
B) unlimited
C) Three
D) Multiple
Ans: A

8. In the Keyword View, you can also view properties for items such as checkpoints.
A) True
B) False
Ans: A

9. QuickTest saves the object repository with a ..... extension in the specified location
A) .vsr
B) .tsr
C) .lsr
D) .qsr
Ans: B

10. For opening the QuickTest Professional Help we can use.......
A) F3
B) F5
C) F1
D) F2
Ans: C

11. Using the Object Spy, you can view
A) the run-time or test object properties and methods of any object in an open application.
B) the run-time or test object properties of any object in an open application.
C) the test object properties and methods of any object in an open application.
D) the run-time object properties and methods of any object in an open application.
Ans: A

12. There are .........object type filters in Object spy dialog box.
A) Two
B) Three
C) Four
D) Five
Ans: A

13. In the Object Spy window, in the Properties Tab
A) Copying of Properties and its values is possible with CTRL+C
B) Copying of Properties and its values is possible by right clicking on it and choosing copy.
C) Copying of Properties and its values is possible with both A) and B) methods
D) Copying of Properties and its values is possible is not possible
Ans: A

14. Object Spy dialog box
A) Can be resized
B) cannot be resized
Ans: A

15. In the Object Spy window, in the methods Tab
A) Copying of Methods is possible with CTRL+C
B) Copying of Methods is possible by right clicking on it and choosing copy.
C) Copying of Methods is possible with both A) and B) methods
D) Copying of Methods is possible is not possible
Ans: A

16. .............. are the highest level of the test hierarchy in the Keyword view.
A) Tests
B) Steps
C) Call to Actions
D) Actions
Ans: D

17. You can copy and paste or drag and drop actions to move them to a different location within a test
A) True
B) False
Ans: A

18. You can print the contents of the Keyword View to your Windows default printer (and even preview the contents prior to printing).
A) True
B) False
Ans: A

19. In the step Browser > Page > Edit > Set "Sachin", identify container object(s)
A) Browser
B) Edit
C) Page
D) Both Browser & Page
Ans: D

20. You can use the Keyword View to add a step ..........in your test.
A) at the end
B) below the currently selected step
C) at the beginning
D) at any point
Ans: D

21. The Documentation cell is.............
A) Read-only
B) Write-only
C) Read and Write
D) Read write & execute
Ans: A

22. An Item column can be any of the following:
A) A test object
B) A statement like Dim
C) A step generated by step generator
D) All of above
Ans: D

23. The Operation cell in the keyword view specifies the operation to be performed on the item listed in the........... Column.
A) Operation
B) Documentation
C) Item
D) Value
Ans: C

24. Even if the Item column in the Keyword View is displayed to the right of the Operation column, you must still first select an item to view the list of available operations in the Operation column.
A) True
B) False
Ans: A

25. The Value cell in the keyword view can contain........ Value
A) Constant
B) Parameter
C) Both A) & B)
D) None of these
Ans: C

26. In addition to adding standard statement steps to your test using the Keyword View, you can also insert
A) Checkpoint step
B) Output value step
C) Comment step
D) All of above
Ans: D

27. The correct syntax of the conditional statement starting with Do is.....
A) Do...While
B) Do...Until
C) Do...Next
D) Both A) and B)
Ans: D

28. QuickTest processes a comment when it runs a test.
A) True
B) False
Ans: B

29. Press ..... to add a new step below the currently selected step.
A) F8
B) Shift + A
C) F0
D) Shift + A + Q
Ans: A

30. While working with the Keyword View, you can ...... steps to move them to a different location in a test or in an action
A) Copy and Paste
B) Cut and Paste
C) Drag and drop
D) Both A) and C)
Ans: D

31. You can specify the order in which the columns are displayed in the Keyword view.
A) True
B) False
Ans: A


32. You can view ....... while working with keyword view.
A) object properties
B) action properties
C) action call properties
D) checkpoint properties
E) Output value properties
F) None of the above
G) All of above
Ans: G

33. The ............... enables you to encode your passwords and place secure values into the Data Table.
A) Password Encoder
B) Password Decoder
C) Password Encode
D) Password Decode
Ans: A

34. You cannot manage some aspects of a local object repository using the QuickTest Object Repository automation object model..
A) True
B) False
Ans: B

35. For each action, you can use a combination of objects from your local and shared object repositories.
A) True
B) False
Ans: A

36. QuickTest adds all new objects to the local object repository even if one or more shared object repositories are already associated with the action assuming that an object with the same description does not already exist in one of the associated shared object repositories..
A) True
B) False
Ans: A

37. If a child object is added to a local object repository, and its parents are in a shared object repository, then you have to manually drag and drop its parent objects from shared object repository to local object repository.
A) True
B) False
Ans: B

38. The ....... is not accessible as a separate file
A) local object repository
B) shared object repository
C) Both
D) None
Ans: A

39. In the Object Repository window:.
A) Local objects are editable (black)
B) Shared objects are in read-only format (gray)
C) Local objects are in read-only format (gray)
D) Shared objects are editable (black)
Ans: AB

40. Mark true statement(s):.
A) You can delete objects from a shared object repository using the Object Repository window.
B) You can delete objects from the local object repository using the Object Repository Manager
C) You can delete objects from the local object repository using the Object Repository window
D) You can delete objects from a shared object repository using the Object Repository Manager
Ans: CD

41. If an object is contained in both local and shared repositories then, during a run session.
A) QuickTest will use the object in the local object repository
B) QuickTest will use the object in the Shared object repository
C) There will be a conflict
D) QuickTest will use Descriptive Programming
Ans: A

42. When you copy an object to the local object repository
A) its parent objects are also copied to the local object repository
B) its parent objects are not copied to the local object repository
C) You have to manually copy its parent objects are also copied to the local object repository
D) You have to manually drag and drop its parent objects
Ans: A

43. For tests, you can also view test object properties and property values for objects in the Active Screen, regardless of whether the objects are stored in the object repository.
A) True
B) False
Ans: A

44. Object Properties window differs for objects stored in Shared and Local object repository.
A) True
B) False
Ans: A

45. You can rename objects in the shared object repository using the Object Repository Manager
A) True
B) False, you cannot rename objects in shared object repository
Ans: A

46. When you modify the name of an object in a shared repository, the name is automatically updated in all tests open on the same computer that use the object repository as soon as you make the change, even if you have not yet saved the object repository with your changes.
A) True
B) False
Ans: A

47. An ........ assigns a numerical value to a test object that indicates its order or location relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description (objects that have the same values for all properties)
A) Index identifier.
B) ordinal identifier.
C) SMART ID identifier.
D) original identifier.
Ans: B

48. You can add an object to the local object repository only if that object does not already exist in a shared object repository that is associated with the action. If an object already exists in an associated shared object repository, you can add it to the local object repository using the ........ option.
A) Copy from Shared Repository
B) Copy from Shared Object Repository
C) Copy to Local
D) Copy to Local repository
Ans: C

49. You can copy, paste, and move objects in the local object repository using the Object Repository window, and copy, paste, and move objects both within a shared object repository and between shared object repositories using the Object Repository Manager. But you cannot copy objects from a shared object repository to the local object repository to modify them locally
A) True
B) False
Ans: B

50. You can modify an object stored in a shared object repository.
A) using the Object Repository Manager
B) using the Object Repository window
C) you can copy it to the local object repository and then modify its properties
D) you cannot modify properties of objects stored in Shared object repository
Ans: AC